Posted on Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 10:42 AM
new moon,
The Wampa Guy

Yeah I am man enough to say it, I went to go see New Moon with my wife! On top of that I have listened to all 4 books on audiobook. Audiobooks help on the iPod while at work. So what does a guy who likes to pound his chest and make animal sounds to prove his manhood think about the latest installment of the Twilight series....
It was a pretty damn good movie!
The twilight series if you haven't heard enough about it yet, is about Bella, a neurotic, self loathing, average looking teenager that some how by miracle attracts the fancy of a 100+ year old, sexy and not to mention (Spoiler) VIRGIN vampire... But it is not her that goes after him, it is Edward that can't stay away from her. OK, already you guys out there are already crying bullshit. But that sums up the first movie.
For our second installment Belle and Edward are still a couple until a mishap with a paper cut at her birthday party has another vampire in Edward's family, Jasper, goes into a rage trying to lunge for her to get a taste of blood.
Soon after Edward comes to the conclusion that Bella will be better off and safer without him around. Being the neurotic type that she does what every scorned woman does, fall into the arms of her best friend Jacob. But as soon as they get close Jacob disappears too. So here is poor Bella wallowing in her self pity for months. When she finally has the cahones to confront Jacob she finds out his absence is due to him becoming a werewolf. Yep, the arch enemy of the vampires. The presence of two new vampires in the region on a killing spree has the tribe beginning to transform. So here comes the conflict. She is now falling in love with a werewolf while she is still in love with this vampire dope that took off with no way to contact her.
Now many of the women I have talked to hated this part of the book, because they fell in love with Edward, and now Jacob is getting all the attention from Bella. But as a guy, this story line seems much more realistic. Edward to me seemed like nothing but a fictional female wet dream for the perfect man, a guy that will do anything possible for his woman, and not to mention when you are 100 years old, you tend to rack up a nice bank account and able to woo her with all the luxuries. But us guys out there will relate much more to Jacob, the Quileute 16yo that deals with real world issues and understands having Bella, a mortal, living with a bunch of vampires is probably not the best idea.
All this comes to a boiling point when Bella decides to pull a boneheaded move of jump off of a cliff and there is confusion if she is alive or dead. And Edward being Edward decides he can't live without her and decides to commit suicide. I won't give up any more than that but you can see how women are gaga over this guy. And as a guy you just have to laugh at it at times because no real guy would ever do half of the stuff that happens in this series. But we are not the target market, and that is why this movie has already made over $300 million worldwide. All and all this is a good movie, I really liked the interaction between Jacob and the other members of the Sam's Wolfpack. The fight scenes were decent and for you guys that want this in a move, the next movie will be full of action and will continue to rack in the big bucks!