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Body Double on the PVC Frame

Originally uploaded by itsthatdude_com

Here is the body double mounted on the PVC frame.. I added some clothing and accessories to get an idea of what I am working with.... forgive my messy garage! I have added the leg extensions also to get a look at the height of the costume.

The crutches on the arms are what I used on the old Beast costume.

Creating a taped body double.

Originally uploaded by itsthatdude_com

To add a more accurate representation over the PVC framework I used a body double technique using water activated paper based packing tape. Many people have used duct tape, and while it works it is much harder to work with than the paper packaging tape plus more expensive.

I was able to pick up a roll at Staples for under $8! With the help from my brother and a trash bag to prevent the tape from sticking I was able to get my torso done, beer gut and all. Once the paper side was done, we covered it with some left over clear packing tape I had left over from a move. The form keeps its shape much better than my old attempt at a duct tape double years ago and I highly recommend this technique to anyone.

Thanks to! Here is their tutorial.

Wecome fans!

I am now forwarding here to the ItsThatDude blog. Once the suit is finished I will likely spin it off into it's own blog but for now I want to keep both in the same spot. Keep checking in on the progress of the new costume and hopefully big things come with it. Be prepared to run into the big guy at Star Wars Celebration 5 in orlando!
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